Can you relate to one or more of the following?

  • A postpartum mom looking to gain your confidence back, while also keeping an eye on the baby monitor ?
  • A business owner & value your time?
  • Struggling with confidence to step foot in a gym?
  • Have an office gym and need the guidance?
  • Concerned about your recent lab work & want to improve your quality of life?

Then Jagged Fitness in-home personal training services are right for you!

How does it work?

Great question!  Here at Jagged Fitness, we aim to simplify your health & fitness routine.  When people call us, the common goal is “I need help loosing weight & toning up, but I lack the time to get to a gym & the motivation/knowledge to do it on my own”.  However, our approach goes way beyond loosing some weight and getting stronger. 

A highly qualified trainer will show up at your house & put you through a 1 hour personalized workout program that aligns both with your goals & what your body needs.  In order to reach your goals effectively, expect to workout with your trainer 3-5 days per week.  

Why Jagged Fitness?

Our approach to coaching our clients is simple: Just as a “jagged” line looks, it’s comparable to your fitness journey.  There will be highs & lows throughout the whole process and we aim to be there right by your side coaching you, motivating you & guiding you in the best way we know how, through proper exercise and nutrition coaching.  More importantly, we aim to coach our clients so well, that they then build healthy habits, along with a wealth of exercise knowledge, to where their life is changed for the better.  We are so confident that you will be making the best decision of your life, by signing up for personal training with Jagged Fitness, that we will let our reviews sell our training for us.