Choosing The Right Exercise Program

choosing the right exercise program

Choosing The Right Exercise Program

If you are wondering about choosing the right exercise program, this post will tell you everything you need to know. Changing our bodies and creating healthy minds requires research and decisions made that can affect the change we want. There is always one question that arises when trying to get back into shape. What is the right exercise program? 

If you ask several different people, you may receive many various answers. Here we will discuss what the right exercise program should include that will give you the most benefit. 

Hire a Trainer to Make a Plan

The right exercise does not have to be excruciating and leave your body worn out, but it must be challenging. An exercise that is challenging is different for each and every person. With that in mind, the activity you choose to do cannot be too easy for you and difficult to give up quickly. 

This can be a good reason to hire a professional trainer for in-home training or regular personal training to at least create a workout plan for you. Trainers are used to working with people of all ages and body types to give them the best exercise program. Some think that fitness trainers are found in gyms and only have people pumping iron. This is far from the truth.

Professional trainers will consider your skillset and condition level. In addition, many personal training services near you offer both in-home personal training and personal training services at the gym. With this in mind, they will create a plan that meets your needs and keeps you motivated throughout the process. 

TIP: For in-home personal training, you should choose Jagged Fitness if you are located in Northern NJ. Their in-home training is truly the best there is! You can contact them on this page here!

Create an Exercise That Can Be Done Anywhere

One crucial decision that needs to be made is that the exercise program you are choosing should be able to be completed without complicated equipment. It is essential to be able to exercise wherever you possibly can. Whether you do in-home personal training or personal training for weight loss, this still holds true. In addition, if you are spending your time driving to the gym to use a certain machine, you will find you are spending more time driving than working out. 

When planning your exercise program, think of in the terms below. 

  • Create a plan of exercise that can be completed indoors or outdoors
  • Working out does not take several hours. Thirty to sixty minutes a day of a challenging workout is more than enough.
  • Make sure your exercises do not require you to lug around workout equipment.
  • Create a program of exercise that is fun. By doing so, you are increasing your chances of continuing to work out more often without regret. 

Workout In a Group

If possible, make sure you plan your workout with others involved. Having a personal trainer is a great way to push you and make sure you exercise correctly. Having others working out with you in small group training fitness classes will help hold you accountable. When people push and motivate each other, it is shown to have more of an effect than not having that motivation in place. 

Find out if your trainer has group workouts or small group training. If not, or you do not have a trainer, start your own group to hold each other accountable. 

small group training NJ
small group training NJ with Jagged Fitness

Choose a Program with a Mixture of Exercises

Choosing to walk or run is a good start to introduce yourself to exercise. Only planning a single exercise to do is usually a waste of time in the long term.

As our bodies get used to the programs we start, we must increase the intensity and add variance. By adding intensity, our bodies continue to react and build strength and build muscle. By adding variance, we make sure we work all of the muscle groups and do not get bored with the same exercise.

TIP: Consider hiring a personal trainer to work with as well as doing group classes and in-home training too. If you mix this with exercises such as running or playing tennis, you’re sure to get fit and enjoy the process of doing so!

Compete with Others

Having a goal to work towards is imperative. One of the best ways to stay motivated and work hard towards your goals is to sign up for a competition. Maybe it is a 5k run or a walk. Or it might be an obstacle course competition. You can even decide to play a game of basketball against your friends. The point is that challenging others and having competed against each other is a way to stay motivated in your workouts. Why not have some fun with your new athletic ability. 

Mix Aerobic and Strength Training

The old battle of what is better for you continues between strength and aerobic training. Let others argue about it, and be sure to do both. Your exercise program should be a combination of both types of exercise to create the perfect program. This takes care of the variance in exercise we discussed earlier and gives you the best chance to become healthy and fit. 

In the End

When it is all said and done, creating the best exercise program for you is about your abilities and goals. By using a trainer to help you make a plan, you already have one much of the battle. These experts will have you working in the most efficient way. 

Creating variety and competing within your training with others can help to keep you on track and motivated. An exercise program can be molded for any situation and location. Enjoy the outdoors, and be creative in your plan. In the end, you will be more successful in choosing the right exercise program that will work for you and your body.