Personal Training For Weight Loss


For personal training for weight loss, choose Jagged Fitness LLC.

People sign up for personal training for different reasons. Regardless of why you hire a trainer for in home training or small group sessions, there is no better way to focus on your training goals than to have a personal trainer. Building mass, getting stronger, and healthier are all benefits of having a personal trainer. For those living in New Jersey and needing to drop weight for a healthier life, personal training makes sense.

personal training for weight loss

Jagged Fitness coaches clients with personal training for weight loss.  We create a customized program to help you reach weight-loss goals!

personal training for weight loss near me
[gymedge-vc-infotext icon=”fa fa-check” title=”Customized workouts” separator=”false” spacing=”15″ des=”Sed elementum dapibus tellus, a dictum metus interdum ac. Nullam condimentum, dui volutpat fringilla molestie, libero tortor ultrices lorem, at tempus diam purus non velit. Aliquam vel nulla eleifend, consequat elit id, tristique massdolor velit, blandi.”]Jagged fitness will help develop customized programs and fitness schedules to help you meet your weight loss goals![/gymedge-vc-infotext][gymedge-vc-infotext icon=”fa fa-check” title=”Easy menu planning” separator=”false” spacing=”15″ des=”Sed elementum dapibus tellus, a dictum metus interdum ac. Nullam condimentum, dui volutpat fringilla molestie, libero tortor ultrices lorem, at tempus diam purus non velit. Aliquam vel nulla eleifend, consequat elit id, tristique massdolor velit, blandi.” css=”.vc_custom_1599185511889{padding-top: 30px !important;}”]Jagged Fitness helps with menu planning and nutrition consultations to help meet your goals.[/gymedge-vc-infotext][gymedge-vc-infotext icon=”fa fa-check” title=”Goal setting” separator=”false” spacing=”15″ des=”Sed elementum dapibus tellus, a dictum metus interdum ac. Nullam condimentum, dui volutpat fringilla molestie, libero tortor ultrices lorem, at tempus diam purus non velit. Aliquam vel nulla eleifend, consequat elit id, tristique massdolor velit, blandi.” css=”.vc_custom_1599185561501{padding-top: 30px !important;}”]We work with you to create and meet your fitness goals![/gymedge-vc-infotext][gymedge-vc-infotext icon=”fa fa-check” title=”Ongoing support” separator=”false” spacing=”15″ des=”Sed elementum dapibus tellus, a dictum metus interdum ac. Nullam condimentum, dui volutpat fringilla molestie, libero tortor ultrices lorem, at tempus diam purus non velit. Aliquam vel nulla eleifend, consequat elit id, tristique massdolor velit, blandi.” css=”.vc_custom_1599185665296{padding-top: 30px !important;}”]Jagged Fitness provides ongoing support when you are one of our clients.  Whatever you need, we’re here for you![/gymedge-vc-infotext]

#1 For Personal Training For Weight Loss

How Can a Personal Trainer Help You Lose Weight?

To help with weight loss your personal trainer will focus on much more than exercising. From day one, a trainer will invest their time and knowledge into your overall health goals. Not only will a trainer focus on exercise but also on a proper diet to give you the energy and nutrients to lose weight.

Ways a Personal Trainer Helps with Weight loss

Keep You Excited About Working Out

  • There is no better way than to have a person dedicated to helping you attain your weight loss goals. Our personal trainers will not stop keeping you on track daily.
  • Personal trainers have an in-depth knowledge of mixing up exercises to keep you from getting bored and burning out.
  • By traveling to meet you at your home, apartment, or a gym, our trainers make it easier for you to stay motivated.

Create a Plan for Your Weight loss

Weight loss is different for everyone. A personal trainer who is certified in nutrition and understands the best workouts to drop weight knows there must be a plan. The plan will start with assessing your current physical condition and include the best workouts and diet for you to follow.

The diet your professional trainer recommends will be based on your assessment and science. Not everyone is the same and, your trainer can help determine what is best for you. This does not only help in how fast you lose weight but also to make sure you receive all the nutrients you need for a healthy program.

Implement Goals

Your trainer will also implement goals or milestones inside your plan to track progress and keep you motivated.

Each goal will be attainable and yet still be challenging enough to keep you focused on the final outcome. Your trainer will help you measure your goals by not only weigh-ins and measurements but also with strength and endurance tests.

Personalized Workouts

Just as the same diet is not for everyone, your personal trainer knows that depending on body type and age, people respond in different ways to workouts.

Your personal trainer will create exercises that give you the best chance to lose weight by knowing just how hard to push you for the best results.

Create Healthy Workouts

One of the benefits of working with our personal trainers is they are trained in how to keep you safe and healthy. A healthy and effective program is more than hitting the weights or running on a track. The best workouts for weight loss include:

  • Warm-ups to increase mobility and increase heart rate
  • Dynamic stretches and muscle activation
  • The main workouts designed with your needs in mind to lose weight
  • A cool down to help prevent injury and soreness
  • Feedback on your performance

You can learn about mobility drills on this page here.

Create Efficient Workouts

Certified trainers know how to get the best out of each client. Learn more about the services Jagged Fitness offers on this page here to decide if we are a fit for you! In addition, you can contact us with any questions you may have.

By working on proper technique, the right amount of reps, and using the proper amount of resistance, weight loss can be achieved faster.

Having a personal trainer to guide you in your weight loss effort can take weeks and months off the time it takes to get into shape. Not only will the process be faster than on your own, but with a trainer’s nutritional knowledge, it will keep you healthy on your weight loss journey.

Sustain Health

Losing weight and getting in shape is great. For many, staying there can be a problem. Our personal trainers will help you meet your weight loss goals and give you what you need to maintain a healthy body and lifestyle.

Once your weight loss goal is met, your personal trainer will provide you with:

  • A diet to keep your body burning calories
  • Routine sessions or exercises to help keep your weight in check
  • The confidence to know you can control your weight through proper exercise and diet

Choose Jagged Fitness for all of your fitness needs and for personal training for weight loss!

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