Tips For Getting Fit After Childbirth

tips for getting fit after childbirth

10 Tips For Getting Fit After Childbirth.

We’ve Narrowed Down The Top 10 Tips For Getting Fit After Childbirth

Getting in shape isn’t always as simple as a walk in the park, so we’ve collected 10 tips for getting fit after childbirth for your convenience. You have carried and delivered life, something half of the population can’t even comprehend. You are empowered and it’s important to nurture that feeling by embracing a healthy lifestyle.

postpartum fitness NJ

1: Don’t Over Complicate It.

Exercising can be overwhelming. At some point, it’s hard to see it as anything more than a business. You see supplements advertising weight loss and electric mechanisms that sculpt your abs for you. Well, believe me, if you want results you have to make them yourself. Don’t fall into the trap that you have to invest in a product to get in shape, invest in yourself a little bit each day.

Hiring a professional fitness trainer is a great idea too. Especially a personal training service that offers postpartum fitness training. Invest in yourself and you’re sure to see and feel the results!

2: A Little Bit Goes A Long Way.

Avoid draining yourself of energy by taking small steps towards a stronger body. New mothers especially need to ease into exercise routines following childbirth. Because childbirth causes such an immense amount of stress on the body, it is important to rest as much as you work. Start a healthier lifestyle today by incorporating something as simple as a walk into your daily routine.

3: Find Ways To Make Working Out Easy.

You’re a new mom, and if you thought exercising was hard enough as is, having a baby definitely didn’t make it easier. That’s okay. There are handfuls of reputable resources that take it upon themselves to facilitate a healthy lifestyle for others. Jagged Fitness NJ is a shining example. They offer programs specifically tailored to individual mothers and bring the gym to you. No more worrying about finding childcare or spending hours a week in a car commuting to the gym. Jagged Fitness is revamping the way we look at in-home workouts.

tips for getting fit after childbirth

4: Listen To Your Body.

Childbirth puts your body through a lot of stress, and throughout your pregnancy I’m sure your body has done a lot of kicking and screaming. Your body responds to positive and negative stimuli to elicit a reaction, so it is important to listen to your body while you exercise. If something feels off, maybe tight during a movement, or pain near a joint, adjust your form and try again. If anything uncomfortable persists, STOP, and reevaluate your exercise.

NJ personal training Jagged Fitness can guide you through the process of getting fit in a safe way after the birth of your child. Call them for more info!

5: Strengthen Your Core.

A lot of moms struggle to lose excess weight as a consequence of pregnancy and think that the answer is as simple as running more often or doing personal training for weight loss. The truth is, if you strengthen your core, you will set a precedence for the rest of your body. A common mistake people make is thinking that their muscle groups exist solely on an individual level. By building a solid core, vigor and confidence will radiate throughout your body.

6: Stay Consistent.

This is what those new year’s resolutioners often forget. Consistency is key. Hiring an in-home personal training service could help with consistency in this way.

To truly become  fitter, you’ll have to embrace a lifestyle, not a habit. On days you miss your regular routine, encourage consistency by making small adjustments to make up for it. Carrying your baby around the house instead of rocking them to sleep. Look at play time as an opportunity to move around. No matter what you do, stay active every day.

7: Record Your Progress.

Results won’t happen overnight, and if you’re not paying attention, you will miss achievements by looking at the forest instead of the trees. Track your progress in order to see improvements in your fitness levels. Keep a daily record of how you feel, how you look, how much energy you have and how mobile you feel. Chances are you won’t notice positive trends if you aren’t paying attention to them. Encourage consistency by recognizing progress.

mom fitness training

8: Find A Friend.

Most people choose personal training sessions for motivation. Having a gym partner holds you accountable and provides a support system to turn to when you’re feeling defeated. Being a new mom, chances are you know someone in a similar situation as yours. Create a community by inviting other mothers to exercise with you. This will also be an opportunity to socialize and express yourself with other mothers.

9: Experiment With Different Movements.

We’ve mentioned before the individuality of our bodies. It is important to find an exercise routine that fits you. Becoming fit is more than being skinny or lifting weights. Being fit means you have work on balance, mobility, breathing, and so much more. Here’s a list of exercise techniques you can try that fit your postpartum energy.

10: Give Yourself Time

Carrying your baby to term felt like a lifetime and sculpting your body won’t feel much different. It takes months of hard work to create habits that evolve into a lifestyle. With consistency, dedication, and patience, you will reach your goals. As a new mother, it is important that you do not exhaust yourself.

Find Your Fitness

Fitness means something different for everyone. For new mothers, fitness may be as simple as finding the same energy you had before you were pregnant. No matter your goal, following these 10 tips for getting fit after childbirth will help.

Jagged Fitness of NJ offers comprehensive training programs that help new moms get back on track and feel great! It’s hard to workout with a newborn, however our diversified in-home training services makes it all very doable.

We hope these tips for getting fit after childbirth will help and wish you all the best!