Truth VS Myths With Strength Training

truth vs myths with strength training

Truth VS Myths With Strength Training

Are you wondering about truth vs myths with strength training?  This post will tell you everything.

You have probably heard them before. Rumors or myths on how strength training is either horrible for you in one way or the other, or to the other extreme where it is the only type of exercise you should be doing. 

There are many opinions from those who do not understand the full complexity of strength training. In this article, we will highlight the truths and dispel any myths you may have heard.  We will also go over the many benefits of exercise.

Let’s take a look at some of the popular myths about strength training.

You Will Get Too Bulky


You have heard this before. Probably from your mother or someone else who tells you that you will become a meathead with strength training. While strength training is certainly good for bodybuilding, there is much more that goes into the profession of bodybuilding than strength training. 

Bodybuilders sometimes spend 4 to 8 hours in the gym a day and eat a special diet to add the amount of bulk they need for competition. Unless you plan on doing the same, strength training is not going to make you too bulky. What it will do is define your muscles and create a lean muscular frame. 

It Burns Less Calories Than Cardio


This myth probably started with an out of shape person began an aerobic exercise and lost weight. The truth is, the more intense the workout, the more calories you burn. Aerobic exercise is good up to a point. The problem is once you reach an aerobic plateau, you will stop losing weight. 

Strength training, on the other hand, progressively gets harder and more intense as you progress through fitness. Suppose you can lift 50 lbs. easily then you will move to 70 lbs. Once you are lifting 70 lbs with ease, you will move up more in weight. With aerobic exercise, you can only add so many miles or time to the workout. Strength training allows for higher intensities in shorter periods of time. This creates a much more effective calorie burn. 

Lighter Weights Are Better for Toning


This has been a long-held belief that lightweights are better for toning. So, the adage has always been light weights for toning and heavy weights for bulking. 

This is a myth. Working with light weights and strength training will accomplish the same thing, although one works much faster than the other. Strength training takes much less time to tone muscles, simply because you stress the muscles less than strength training.

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You Need Access To Heavy Weights


Having access to heavy weights can come in handy when strength training, but is not necessary. This can be shown by personal trainers who coach their clients in strength training without heavyweights all of the time. By using bands, bodyweight exercises, and other means known to them, a professional trainer will have effective strength training in mind for you. 

Before spending money on heavy weights or equipment, consult an expert on strength training. 

Strength Training is for Young People Only


Some studies show strength training can be just as beneficial or even more beneficial for older persons. Just because our bodies age doesn’t mean you cannot build lean muscle. 

Go to any gym in the world and find the salt and pepper men and women doing strength training. You will find them some of the fittest people in the world. 

Not only is doing strength training good to firm up an older body, but it also increases balance and mobility. These last two benefits are important as balance and mobility are two things people have issues with as they age. 

Try Jagged Fitness small group training no matter what your age and see great results!  Jagged Fitness is located in NJ and would love to be of assistance.

You Will Get Ripped in Only a Few Workouts


As much as I wish this were true, it is not. No matter what type of exercise in indulge your self in; short term results are just that. For long term results, you need to be persistent and keep working at it. For personal training for weight loss, it takes time.

While strength training is one of the most rapid ways to increase lean muscle mass and burn fat, it will take more than a couple of workouts. One thing we find working with clients is that the motivation received winning short term goals helps the long term ones as well. After clients get excited about what they see in strength training, it keeps them coming back. If they continue to come back and work, dramatic effects take place. 

Strength Training is Bad for Your Joints


This one could not be further from the truth. The term strength training is just what the name implies. These exercises not only build strong muscles, but also build a stronger skeleton, tendons, and joints. 

Most joint and other tendon and muscular injuries do not occur from exercise, but from the body having a lack of resistance. When we allow our bodies to atrophy without resistance, it becomes weak, and injuries subsequently happen. Strength training also helps with the mobility of the joints, which keeps them healthy.

A good routine of strength training is good for the whole body, even the joints. New Jersey based Jagged Fitness can explain this to you when you call them about training!

You Should Hire an Experienced Personal Trainer 


Beginning a strength training program on your own can be done. Is it the most efficient way? Probably not. By hiring an experienced personal trainer to help you in your quest for health, you will make the fastest progress. 

A personal trainer will start by making a plan with you to reach your health goals as quickly and as safely as possible. Some personal trainers offer in-home personal training.  Not only with this help you reach your goal faster, but also save you money in the end on gyms fees and unnecessary equipment purchases. 

Hire NJ personal trainer Jagged Fitness and see great results!


We have debunked many of the truth vs myths on strength training that have persevered in the realm of working out for many years. Strength training has great benefits when it comes to burning calories, building lean muscle, and creating a healthier you. Under a personal coach’s training, strength training can add mobility, balance, and strength back into your life. Find an experienced trainer to get you on the road to strength training success. 

We hope you have learned about truth vs myths with strength training and wish you the best!